Jaco Pan
Jaco Pan, one of representatives honoured in promotion and fulfilment of oriental spirit on contemporary architecture and interior design, practices from traditional construction technique to the inner connection between art and structure, completely and disunctly percerving the nign unificaton or design science and fuIfilment in his territory or acquirement. His reatured projects awarded in man international design competitions, such as Lat Yard. Xiaodongvuan Court&Sales Centre and Bamboo s taterv, gives humanistic breath and imo les internal logic between numan and nature. He is fond of interoreting aesthetic and philosophv of space in an attitude that reflects the delicate life of Jiangnan's men of literature and writing. His expertise team, in the last over 15 years, has gained versatile design and execution experience through constant and firm training. Minggu Design has become one of the most representative teams in term or comprenensive capabilities nowadays.